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How can I close an open Sale?

Deze inhoud is nog niet vertaald.

View history

Firstly, view the entire history of a sale, see below how:

  • Open the Sale
  • Click on the three dots
  • Click View history
  • The history gives insight into what happened on this Sales, such as:
    • Products ordered
    • Corrections made
    • Payments done
    • Stages of products went through (if using a digital prep station)
  • Based on the history, determine how to close the sale. See the steps below.

No payments done

If no payments have been done and you want to cancel the Sale:

  • Click on the three dots and select Clear sale > Clear to remove all of the products from the invoice.
  • Click Pay €0.00
  • Click Close sale

After clearing and closing the Sale, the empty invoice will still be logged.

Payment done

Outstanding refund amount

If payments are linked to the Sale and there is an outstanding refund amount (this is usually due to deleted products after a payment took place), determine whether a refund should be made to the customer:

  • If yes, click the Refund button and the amount will be transferred to the customer.
    • If there was a registered card payment on this sale, the refund will be done automatically to this card and requires no further action.
  • If not, add the removed products back to the sale until it gets to a value of €0 to be paid.
  • Click Pay €0.00 to close the Sale.

Outstanding amount to pay

If there is an outstanding amount on an invoice that payments linked to it, determine whether the customer needs to pay for the outstanding amount:

  • If not, because products have been added accidentally, remove these.
  • If yes, and the customer is no longer present, add a 100% discount of customer walked out/theft to the unpaid products.
  • Click Pay €0.00 to close the Sale.


If after these tips, you are still unclear what to do with the open Sale, please flag the invoice on the Tebi app and reach out to the support team: [email protected].