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Tebi App Changelog

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Release 1.41

New features

  • Digital Prep Station
    • Color coding based on course status for better kitchen and service organization
    • 5-stage ticket tracking system from order to completion
    • Enhanced allergy warnings for food safety
    • Kitchen staff can now control course status in bulk
  • Enhanced Day Overview
    • Revenue breakdown by product category
    • Team performance tracking
    • Discount usage monitoring
    • Cover count tracking
  • Pop-up for promotions
    • Keep website visitors up to date with a pop up for Tebi reservations


  • Reservation System
    • Timeline now shows reservations without table assignments
    • Smoother widget animations for better user experience
  • Table Management
    • Updated sales indication system with new color schemes
  • Invoice Management
    • Unlimited historical invoice search
    • Enhanced filtering by legal entity
  • Takeaway
    • Customizable takeaway widget text
  • Reporting
    • Report column preferences now save automatically
    • Revenue insights now compare to previous year

Bug Fixes

  • General Fixes
    • Terminal order screen improvements
    • QR code email sending optimization

Release 1.40

Takeaway Ordering: Pick-up Times + Website Button

Create your own takeaway service where customers can order directly from your website and choose their pick-up time. Pick-up times appear on prep station tickets (for digital prep stations, they show 4 hours in advance). You can set lead times and control how far in advance customers can place orders. Read more here.

Automatic Waitlist Invites

Keep your tables filled with automatic emails when a guest cancels. Everyone on the waitlist for that day and service receives an email about the newly available spot. The first guest to book secures the reservation. The system considers waitlist group sizes and requests prepayment if required for the service.

Modifier Quantities

Make sales faster and clearer in the app by adding multiple quantities of a modifier to a sale. For example: Add 2× sauce to an order of fries.

Reservations Timeline Now Available on iOS

The reservations timeline, previously only on Tebi’s Android app, is now available on iOS! The reservations timeline quickly shows who has arrived, who is still to arrive and how much space you have for walk-ins.

Reservation Activity Events

Track your reservations with a feed of all activities: new bookings, cancellations, changes, and messages. Staff can check the Activity section in the app to monitor events before and during service, while managers can access the same information in the back office.

Fixes & improvements

  • Reports page has a design makeover and data is being immediately fetched when date range is selected/changed
  • Back Office has been completely translated to Dutch
  • Fixed a bug related to QR Ordering tipping
  • Increase the number of visible columns on a digital prep station
  • Improved table search when adding a table to a sale:
  • (when searching for ‘2’ it will list ‘2’,‘20’,‘22’ etc)
  • after selecting a table in a table group it will prioritise the other tables in the table group


  • Being able extend the time of a reservation or make it shorter (in the app)
  • Pacing limits can now be set to zero
  • Improved the design of the calendar in the back office
  • Text on images in the reservation widget is easier to

Release 1.39

Keep standards high with the daily task list

Create a digital task list of daily, weekly and monthly items required to run your business. This overview allows you to create recurring tasks for staff to keep track of the steps required for opening, closing and during service. You can also remotely check in on what has been ticked off, when and by who.

Add multiple locations to your reservation widget

If you have multiple locations that take reservations, your customers can now choose their preferred location when booking from one widget. When enabled extra information is provided to the guest to remind them they are booking at a particular location. Not only handy for guests, it is also helpful for filling empty seats and promoting new locations.

Alerts when prep station tickets don’t print

Easily see any printer issues, regardless of which device you are using, with extra information about the cause of a prep ticket printing failure to help you diagnose and fix what’s happening. Get notified of printing failures and quickly reprint failed tickets in bulk or one by one from the prep station screen.

Quickly check the status of your Tebi devices

The new Devices page in the Back Office is here to help troubleshoot when something goes wrong. Easily see which devices are online or offline, check settings such as which device controls prep stations, and which printers are connected to which device. Go to the Back Office > Settings > Devices to learn more.

Fixes & improvements

  • Copy change in Sales: ‘Add/remove discount’ has changed to ‘Apply sale discount’
  • Preference: Now you can hide note modifiers from receipts
  • Configure auto-lock at the device level rather than account level, allowing certain devices to remain unlocked (eg for Prep stations)
  • Improved page design for ordering new terminals


  • Fixed: Services with partial hour lengths will now be displayed correctly in the BO
  • Smarter creation of reservations based on use of tables, table groups, areas overlapping etc.
  • Adding notes to reservations in Tebi app
  • When guests check in early, the reservation is moved forward. The length of service stays the same. This is not relevant for late reservation but creates more gaps and options for walk-ins.
  • Showing previous reviews in app
  • You can now change the copy on the widget button label

Release 1.38

Select and view multiple prep stations

Select multiple prep stations and combine their views to create a customized workflow to improve kitchen efficiency.

New modifier setup flow

The new and improved modifier experience allows you to set up modifiers directly from the products page. This advanced workflow provides better clarity to what modifiers groups are assigned to each product so that you can make quick changes on the fly.

Fixes & improvements

  • Reservations
    • Extend refund eligibility options > add one week
    • Schedules with or without table seating option on is respected in the app when adding a manual reservation > add manual reservation for a schedule without seating, shouldn’t show up with a warning that a table is missing. Add manual reservation for a schedule with seating, don’t add a table, should show a warning that a table is missing.
    • Messaging with guests through the Back Office, guests receive emails with past messages to know what is being responded to.
    • Hide cancellations on the reservations list in the Back Office. There’s a button to show them.
    • Button to remove waitlist entries (cancel)
    • Option to change the service of an existing reservation
    • Start time of a reservation is automatically moved forward when checking in early
    • On a “table group” (table combination) there is now the option to only combine adjacent tables. You can turn it on per table group in the floor plan editor.
    • Direct links to services (the highlight marketing feature) are now short URLs
    • Click on the guest count in the Back Office now opens a popup that shows the guest counts per service
  • All reporting pages in the Back Office have a better design and UX
  • Back Office is translated to Dutch

Release 1.37

Prep station overview

See at a glance an overview of all of the dishes that have been fired to the kitchen.

Searching for a reservation in the timeline, list and waitlist

Search and find reservations easily and quickly from the Back Office and Tebi Apps.

New reservation identifier

See which reservations are new and how long ago they were created with the time icon.

Highlighted services for reservations

Highlight a service in the reservation widget to draw attention to special services.

Fixes & improvements

  • Reservations
    • Walk-ins added to the total number of groups/guests in reservation agenda view
    • Reservations on sales screens only visible 90 minutes ahead of time
    • Lay-Out bug: Setting pacing limits on mobile
    • Add label to reservations created in the last x hours: back office and app
  • BO Sales: Pagination for Sales works when filter is applied
  • QR Ordering: note length limited
  • Customer: searching names is no longer capital letter sensitive
  • Incorrect Payment Expiration bug

Release 1.36

Reservation timeline color coding

Add a color to a reservation to identify important information at a glance such as an allergy or VIP customer. Select a reservation in the Back Office timeline view to assign a color.

Printer names

Give printers a name so that they are easier to identify when sending receipts to them. In the App settings, select the printer and give it a name!

Printer jobs

It is now easier to control which receipts go to which printer. In the App settings, select the printer and assign the printer jobs to a printer.

Reservation history

In the back office you can now see how a reservation has changed, who has made the changes and what emails have been sent to help keep track of reservations.

Fixes & improvements

  • Table opening on multiple tables in app, now shows in reservation list as such
  • Excess/only tip amount messaging updated
  • Store preferred language per customer and send emails in their preferred language
  • Reservations:
    • Waiting list added to calendar overview
    • Option to disable more email types (confirmation, cancellations)
    • Guest receives a waitlist confirmation email
    • Display no-show info in more places in the backoffice
    • Times at the top of the backoffice timeline stay visible when scrolling
    • Better color algorithm for determining contrast. In some cases the widget text will now be white where it was first black (and vice versa)
    • Reservation detail sidebar redesigned

Backoffice Revenue Insights Improvements:

  • View revenues for the last week
  • compare it with the week before
  • Select/deselect groupings
  • Select/deselect metrics
  • Change sorting
  • Close/open page and user selections (dates, groupings, metrics, sorting, comparison) are persisted
  • known bug: Don’t unselect Product grouping

Release 1.35

Adjustable sales grid

Big screen, big tiles? Not anymore. Now you can customize the number of tiles with the adjustable Sales Grid. Choose from presets or set a custom tile amount. You can configure layouts for both tablet and mobile or handheld devices.

Walk-ins in the timeline

Walk-ins are now shown in the reservation timeline in the Back Office. By integrating walk-ins alongside pre-booked reservations, you can make informed decisions about seating arrangements, staff allocation, and overall service efficiency, ensuring a smooth dining experience for guests.

Fix & improvements

  • Fixed: Browsing transactions from Day Overview now displays content correctly.
  • Fixed: Item grid no longer clips off the top on iPads running iOS 18.
  • Fixed: Overdue invoice status no longer updates to “sent” when reminders are dispatched.
  • Sending all invoices: A warning should appear for customers without an email address.
  • Invoicing: Multi-select now possible across various statuses.
  • Invoicing: “Last updated” column replaces the “closed” column.
  • Table openings across multiple tables in the app now display correctly in the reservation list.
  • Inventory tracking accurately accounts for items with 100% discounts.
  • Sales grid: Unavailable and archived products are now displayed distinctively.

Release 1.34

Confirm reservations with prepayments

Now you can send reservations with prepayments to guests when they enquire by email or call. This puts a hold on their table for a short period of time but won’t be fully confirmed until they complete a prepayment.

Lock in each guest, regardless of how they’ve booked. Sending through a prepayment with a deadline means your guests are committed to coming. This significantly reduces the chance of costly no-shows which can often come through email and phone calls.

Helpful for large groups. Set up special services with your group pricing already in place. When the guest pays for the reservation upfront, you cut down admin time spent checking for bank deposits and picking over payment details, giving more time to tailor the experience for your guests.

Inventory storage locations

Cut down time spent hunting for that bottle of wine you just know is hiding around in the cellar somewhere with Inventory storage locations. You can create places where inventory lives, from as broad as ‘warehouse’ to as detailed as ‘warehouse > row 13 > rack 6 > bin 15’, and have it tied in straight to your sales.

This not only cuts time spent searching but helps manage customer disappointments. Don’t sell that unique bottle of wine, only to have to go back sheepishly to the table to apologize that it actually isn’t available.

Plus you can keep track of your total inventory, understanding which products are where and moving them across to restock in time for service.

Fix & improvements

  • Manually close invoices paid by bank transfer (or another payment method) by marking invoices as paid externally
  • Improved loading reservations and customers in the app when an account has large numbers of reservations
  • After merging sales, manual firing of courses possible
  • Auto locking does not happen when in a prep station
  • Filter invoices in the Back Office
  • Fixed a number of back office Dutch translations
  • Adding profit centers in the BO

Release 1.33

  • Reservations
    • Day limits
    • New calendar view
    • Undo check in
  • Improved payment failure message for service-sale mode
  • New metrics available for Revenue insights:
    • Avg Item Sales Price
    • Buying price excl. tax
    • Total buying price
    • Margin
    • Margin %
    • Markup
    • Revenue % of Category
    • Revenue % of Total
  • QR table ordering: customers can now see their table number when they pay for their order
  • Editing customer details is now available in the back office
  • Available / unavailable have been added to filters in the app
  • Jpeg files are now supported as a floor plan image
  • Fixed an issues on iOS where sales became invisible when moved ‘off’ the floor plan
  • When creating a user in backoffice, show on login is not enabled by default
  • Updated the graph colors in Revenue Insights
  • Improved the table availability algorithm to preference single tables not in table groups
  • Improved search in the Help Center
  • Fixed an issue when uploading larger amounts of product

Release 1.32

  • With the new Revenue Insights dashboard available in the Back Office you can see which products are selling, which categories are popular and which days are busiest. It has plenty of ways to segment the data and includes graphs, comparisons and filtering by search.
  • Dashboard brings your business metrics to the palm of your hand. See revenue, product sales, reservations and more by day, week or month (this replaces the Insights feature previously available on Android).
  • Fill more empty tables with reservations squeezing. Guests are offered shorter reservations to fill gaps in your schedule to maximize covers when you are busy.
  • Stop taking reservations when service begins with same-day reservation cutoff time.
  • Improved the order and grouping of tables when selecting a table in a sale.
  • Adjust the order of products in a modifier group by dragging and dropping the products in the Modifiers field in the back office.
  • Reservations can now use a two hour interval.
  • Added an error message when activating tap to pay and lock screen is not enabled.
  • Fixed: When you have multiple accounts, now prevented from signing in to the wrong account in the Tebi app on a terminal
  • Fixed: When a single product was in a course and it was removed, the second course would not automatically fire
  • Fixed: The reservations counter in the app which included canceled reservations

Release 1.31

  • Digital prep stations now include an overview mode to see tickets from all prep stations in one screen
  • Avoid skipping the tipping screen by setting tipping requests on terminals to only occur when a payment is above a certain amount (eg only ask for tips for payments above €20)
  • If you have multiple Tebi accounts you can now quickly switch between accounts on your personal devices
  • QR ordering has had a face-lift with more visible search, larger buttons, more reliable image scaling and many other small tweaks
  • Fixed a number of issues that caused some incorrect values in the Day Report
  • Added ‘Reporting Category’ to filter options in product list in the Back Office
  • Made it more obvious when products will be archived as a result of an import
  • Fixed a bug which caused incorrect table order in some table selection screens and on the table grid
  • Reservations without tables now show in the ‘No tables’ section in the back office
  • Clear sale option will not be shown if there are payments on the sale already
  • Payment button on the sales screen now shows when a payment is in progress
  • Made a number of fixes and improvements to the floor plan editor
  • Fixed an issue with the table assignment algorithm in reservations which caused inappropriate selection of table groups
  • Reservation end times are now shown in the app

Release 1.30

  • Keep on top of your popular products with sales volumes now shown in the back office. Available in both the product list and in more detail when opening a product.
  • Select a default sales modes for your account and use this to quickly switch sales mode for all devices at your business
  • See the number of guests and groups for the day in Reservations in the app (Tap the three dot menu, then Overview)
  • Pin login now clears after an incorrect entry
  • Ability to change duration of an individual reservation in the Back Office
  • You can now preview your QR Ordering menu in the Back Office

Release 1.29

  • Fast and digital receipts: Automatically show a QR code (or have the customer enter their email) on your payment terminal after a payment.
  • Better numbers quicker: Map incomings and outgoing to your accounts and download a full export for your bookkeeping. Plus give access to all the right numbers with the new user role: Accountant.
  • Easily see how many lattes have oat milk and how many have cow milk with customisation colors per product and modifier in the prep station.
  • Make quick changes to many products from the back office with the option to select multiple products and edit at once
  • To have Tebi always at hand, we’ve hidden the Android navigation bars on terminals. Go to Settings > Close Tebi to exit the Tebi app on the terminal.
  • QR Ordering now listens to your inventory levels meaning you’ll never sell out
  • If you use counter sale mode, you can now easily take a QR payment when card payments fail which is helpful if your connection drops out mid sale
  • Edit discounts and surcharges have moved from Tools to Settings in the Back Office
  • Edit payment settings has moved from Tools to Settings in the Back Office
  • You can now select multiple products in a sale and add notes and product modifiers to them in one go
  • If you are selling and then making products on one device, now you can keep sales open after payment with the setting ‘Show closed sale after successful payment’ in counter sale mode
  • Modifier groups in the Back Office now show tags related to them
  • Time stamp added to downloaded reports
  • Sales with prepayments and partial payments can now be booked as an Invoice

Release 1.28

  • Profit centers are the new way to handle multiple configurations in a single Tebi account. Per profit center you can set up a floor plan, kitchen preparation routing, reporting and more.
  • Create and manage prep stations and coursing straight from the Back Office
  • Tebi now works with the Mr Einstein HR management system, sending revenue information from Tebi to the Mr Einstein dashboards and reports
  • Added the ability to refund a reservation from the Back Office after the reservation has taken place
  • Product filters in Back Office (filter on prep station, tax and tag)
  • We made a number of under-the-hood rewrites to the Tebi inventory system to make it faster, easier to use and more reliable
  • Fixed a bug that was blocking refunds of ecom payments (QR payments)
  • There is now a new design for some tables and backgrounds throughout the Back Office

Release 1.27

  • Take payments from your Android phone with Android Tap to Pay available now to Tebi Payment customers*
  • Adjust inventory on the floor: Quickly add inventory or mark items as out of stock by long-pressing sales grid tiles in the Tebi app
  • Secure screens and keep track of who is doing what with quick login and auto-lock out
  • Upload products and modifiers in the back office with a new preview of all new and adjusted products
  • Easily refund reservation prepayments after the reservation time has passed
  • Include card payment details on your receipts by going to Settings > Printing > Show payment receipt
  • The Tebi app will now ask for confirmation before applying bulk updates
  • Fixed an issue with the Tools section giving an empty page when opened
  • Fixed a number of quality of life issues with QR Ordering and Reservations
  • Improved how text is displayed in the app on phones and terminals
  • Fixed timestamps for invoicing
  • Made a number of small quality of life fixes for the iOS app
  • Renamed of modifier groups in Dutch in the app and back office: Previously named modificaties & aanpassingsgroepen, they will be changed to modifiers, modifiergroepen, notitie-modifiergroepen & product-modifiergroepen.

*Note: there are additional costs associated with Android Tap to Pay payments

Release 1.26

  • Covers - Add the number of customers to a sale and use the covers report to see average spend per customer. If you’re using reservations it takes the number of guests into account automatically when a reservation is checked in.
  • New floor plan editor - You now have full flexibility to design and manage your floor plan from the Tebi Back Office. From adding tables and areas, to picking colors and adding backgrounds, you can quickly make changes to your floor plan by going to Settings > Floor plan in the back office.
  • Print tickets from the digital prep station - Now you can keep the kitchen (or bar) digital but still print tickets when you are loading up trays to serve guests. Read more about this hybrid digital and printed prep station here.
  • Tebi forum - Got burning questions that need an answer? Have tips and tricks for tweaking Tebi? Jump onto the Tebi community and see what’s being shared. Tebi staff will be there as well to help out and quickly answer questions.
  • Fixed a bug that caused QR menu sections to be combined when rearranging these in the Back Office
  • The name of the Prep Station in Dutch has changed from Keukendisplay to Prep Station
  • Improved the display on phones to limit the amount of text shown in headers
  • Improved the totals copy in the Sales screen when a discount had been applied in a sale
  • Tap to Pay will now be selected as a default payment method when enabled on a compatible device
  • Improved the look and feel of the reservation widget
  • You can now easily adjust inventory and mark products as out of stock by long pressing tiles on the sales screen
  • Make changes in bulk in the Tebi App using selection mode. Available on most tables in the app by long press or using the 3-dot menu.

Release 1.25

  • Export & import your customers from the back office
  • Seating: order allocations per table seat
  • Table Grid will now show sales that extend across multiple tables
  • We’ve added more filters and sorting to the product list in the Tebi App including tags, courses, prep station and more
  • Automatically redirect customers back to your website after they’ve made a reservation. Use a custom URL to keep track of success rates in your analytics tools
  • When customers give you a great review after a reservation you can now prompt them to leave a review on an external review sites such as Google Maps or Trip Advisor
  • No more @gmial: Customers now see a subtle prompt to check their spelling if an email address looks incorrect when creating a reservation
  • Fixed an issue where QR ordering would ask for unnecessary contact details when seated at a table
  • There is now an additional confirmation when canceling reservations from the back office
  • After a booking the confirmation page will show where the reservation email will go
  • The product page in the Back Office has extra details on how a product is used within product modifier groups

Release 1.24

  • The QR menu shows product images and has new, more tappable order buttons
  • Manual course firing has come to printed prep stations! This prints a full ticket with the whole order first, then individual courses when they are fired
  • Skip the Back Office and create discounts and surcharges directly from the Tebi App. Go to Products, tap the 3 dots, and open the discounts or surcharges. Of course this section is protected if you are using user roles and the lock screen
  • Reservations: time slots with end times are now shown in the widget and in confirmation email
  • You can now easily create new categories when adding products in the Back Office Product List
  • On the user access screen, it is now clearer which user is selected when entering a pin code
  • Fixed a number of small bugs on the payment settlement screen
  • Inventory bookings work on terminals when they are set to write-only (festival) mode. Any features related to stock will not be visible.

Release 1.23

  • Easily split sales by the number of guests and have the payments prompted one after the other
  • Sales on the floor plan and table grid now show a yellow border after 20 minutes of inactivity and a red border after 30 minutes of inactivity
  • Make your terrace more international with the ability to add multiple languages to your QR ordering store
  • When creating an invoice from a sale you can now add a note for your customer directly from the app
  • Use the Sale Name to keep information about sales and customers clear and separate
  • Toggle whether to show or hide product and sale notes on receipts
  • It is now possible to refund tip payments via the app
  • Longer invoices extended to multiple pages when longer than a single page
  • Automatic refund prepayment on expired reservations

Release 1.22

  • Invoicing: Create invoices straight from the POS. Take payment in store, online or via bank transfer in your bookkeeping system
  • Reservations on the Table Grid: Manage reservations placements and see at a glance when guests are due to arrive
  • Customers will now receive a confirmation email after a successful QR order
  • Allow payment before and after QR ordering per area
  • Easily configure and turn on or off QR ordering in the Tebi app
  • Sales not allocated to a table are now shown in the Table Grid
  • The staff member who created a sale can now be shown on tickets in the digital prep station
  • Sale notes are no longer added to digital or printed receipts
  • Back Office: Products no longer under Tools

Release 1.21

  • Manual course firing
  • New product and modifier list in the back office
  • A single QR code can now be used for pay after sale and pay before service
  • You can now see order numbers in QR ordering receipts
  • The symbol denoting a modifier in a printed prep ticket has changed from a confusing ’+’ to a dot
  • The staff member who created a sale will now appear on prep tickets
  • You can now select whether you want to use Android system navigation
  • Theme will now use the system default for deciding light or dark mode in the Tebi App
  • Bug: You can now deselect tables from sales in the app
  • Bug: PDFs now support non-Latin characters (eg Chinese or Japanese scripts)
  • Bug: Products added to a modifier group via tags will now show correctly in QR ordering

Release 1.20

  • Create and manage your sale with the new table grid - a better way to work in larger venues with many tables and locations
  • Want to see how busy things are? We have added a new graph to the Back Office Dashboard which breaks down the day’s ordered versus paid revenue per 15 minutes or per hour
  • Quickly rearrange seating plans with the addition of drag and drop in the Timeline for Reservations
  • Switch user accounts much faster with an updated pin login screen
  • Fixed an issue with the QR ordering drop down when a product had multiple modifier groups
  • Fixed an issue with loading the day overview with poor connection
  • The Tebi app now shows reservation notes on small screens

Release 1.19

  • Sounds have arrived! Enable sounds to hear a notification from the prep station when you receive new orders
  • Collect reviews from customers that made a reservation
  • New dashboard in the Back Office showing the amount and value of orders per day by 30 minute blocks
  • You can now manually transfer the staff user who is responsible for a sale to another staff user
  • Returning guests are now highlighted in the reservations list in the App
  • Prep tickets now show the customer’s phone number for Takeaway orders
  • Reservation tables (and therefore capacity) is now updated if you move a sale from one table to another
  • You can now select and change tables in a sale
  • Charging to customer account will automatically select open accounts rather than creating a new account

Release 1.18

  • Message back and forth with customers after they have made a reservation. You can also save internal notes which will appear in the prep station and sale.
  • In the App, customer profiles now contain insights about past sales, spending and the top 3 products they have purchased. Use this to learn more about your customers’ preferences and help tailor your service experience.
  • Reporting has been relocated from Tools. You can now find it in the left hand menu in the Back Office.
  • The Current Day page in the Back Office Tools has also moved to Dashboard.
  • When viewing a reservation in the app, you can see information about past visits for the customer, helping you provide a more personalised experience.
  • Use an order number instead of a customer name when quickly processing sales. This appears in the sales screen, on receipts and in prep tickets.
  • Reservations now account for walk-in tables when determining availability meaning a sale created in the app will block the related table from being reserved.
  • We want to hear from you - vote for your favorite upcoming features straight from the Back Office.
  • Make it a requirement that every sale is allocated to a table, reducing the chance of mishaps around floating sales.
  • Ask for table numbers when creating sales. Useful when taking sales from a mobile device, for example when out on a terrace.

Release 1.17

  • Automatic course firing - courses are automatically fired as the previous courses are completed
  • Added notifications when there are connectivity problems - Banner notification when device has no connection to the internet - Banner notification when the connection is ‘flakey’, with multiple short disconnections within a few minutes
  • Added notifications and menu alert when a device is managing printers
  • Updated the Back Office and App to match Tebi’s brand color scheme
  • Generate reports for an entire group of accounts if you have reporting access to multiple Tebi ledgers

Fix & improvements

  • New and improved onboarding and creation of new accounts (from industry selection & revenue size to setting up your account)
  • Major updates to reservations to make it easier and faster to get set up
  • Added the Day Overview to the Reporting section in the Back Office
  • Increased the size of the time on printed prep tickets
  • Added a setting in Preferences in the app to turn off manual card payments
  • Day report updated with: - Number of sales - Average value per sale (incl. Tax) - Average value per sale (excl. Tax) - First order time - Last order time
  • Fixed a number of display issues with light mode
  • Fixed a bug that was blocking refunding no-show prepayments in app
  • Fixed an issue with incorrect labels when creating product modifiers in the app

Release 1.16


Refunds for card payments

You can now refund directly to a customer’s card from the app with Tebi Payments. Remove products, add discounts or clear sales to create refunds which are then securely sent only to the card used. If you’re using permissions, staff users will be blocked from refunding.

Correct sale

Mistakes happen. If the wrong sale has been paid for, now easily move payments to the correct sale. Or perhaps a tip was forgotten. It is now easy to adjust tip amounts after a sale has been closed.

Reporting moves to the back office

Access reports directly from your Back Office without having to go to Tools, giving faster and more efficient access to your numbers. Hint: you can now also send links to reports with specific date ranges.

Light mode

The Tebi app is now available in light mode, a brighter color palette which can help reduce glare in sunny situations. Go to Settings > Preferences > Appearance to choose the theme that best suits your way of working.

Improved app navigation

We’ve updated the look and feel of our navigation to make it faster to move around the app. Even better, you can quickly switch users with a double tap on the user name in the menu. Read more about it.

Fixes & improvements

  • Users who closed a sale or submitted an order are now shown in the User Overview report
  • Customer account values are now shown in the Day Report
  • Improvements to the payment cancellation flow
  • If no response is received from the terminal after pressing cancel on the tablet, the tablet will assume the cancellation has gone through
  • Ability to see and cancel in-progress payments from the settle screen
  • Stability improvements
  • Made some stability fixes to login/authorisation

Release 1.15


Product Modifiers in-app

If you need customizable options for your products you can use Product Modifers. They are great when applying specific options (like a cappuccino with oat milk) add-ons, and toppings. From today you can add and edit Product Modifiers from within the app (previosly this functionality was only available via the back office). Read more about adding product modifiers to Tebi.

Fixes and improvements

  • Added additional columns for buying price in the Product Report
  • Fixed an issue where prep tickets were not being created after QR orders
  • Fixed an issue where sales would briefly appear in the app when a reservation was being made

Release 1.14

Fixes and improvements

In this release, we have focused our effort on performance and security improvements.

Release 1.13


Tebi Reservations

We are very excited to announce our last big launch of the year - Tebi Reservations. Now with Tebi you can take reservations and bookings, keep capacity filled and make operations smoother, faster and more predictable while remaining in control of your customer relationships. Reservations is included for free in the Tebi subscription cost.*

Enable Tebi Reservations by going to your back office and selecting the Reservations menu item to get started. We’ve also created a set of guides to help you get setup, create your widget and manage reservations.

What’s included:

  • Complete daily agenda. Always be ready for the day ahead with a full daily agenda and timeline of upcoming reservations.
  • Share info between reservations and POS. Customer notes about allergies and preferences are sent automatically to your kitchen, reducing double work and possible mistakes
  • No more switching between apps. Check-in customers directly from the Tebi app with a table pre-assigned and their pre-paid amount already deducted from the sale.
  • Quick setup. Add the Tebi reservation widget to your website, designed to maximize your covers without overwhelming your business.
  • Reservation prepayments. Reduce no-shows by asking for prepayments and setting automated cancellation windows.
  • Waitlisting. Ensure you’re always at the right capacity with a waitlist that works in house and online.
  • And plenty more to help you plan, optimize and manage your reservations

*If you are using Tebi for free and want to use reservations, starting from January 2024 there will be a fee of €0.20 per reservation. Otherwise, Tebi Reservations is included in the cost of a Tebi subscription!


Archived products

To reduce clutter, archived products will no longer show up automatically in your product list. You can still view them by going to the product list and selecting the ‘Archived products’ option in the top menu. We retain your product information for your reports whenever needed. Starting today, archived products will be hidden from your Product List, both within the app and the Tebi back office.

Fixes & improvements

  • The product report now has an additional option which you can select to show the report grouped by or without modifiers
  • You will now see a warning if the tip amount exceeds the sale amount when doing partial payments
  • Minor cosmetic improvements to customer details

Release 1.12


Introducing Inventory

Tebi inventory is here giving you the power to take stock and keep on top of your costs. These new features give you the tools to easily track inventory to limit stock-outs, understand available inventory at a glance when selling and dive into the details about your cost of sales. With Tebi inventory you can: Enable inventory for any product, sell through product inventory with accurate first-in-first-out purchase costs, show inventory quantities in the sale screen, apply inventory to modifiers, configure whether to sell when out of stock, add new inventory via purchases, upload stock counts, report on the cost of goods sold, and check inventory levels over time with the end-of-day stock report.

Read more about how to get started here.


Scan & sell: barcode scanning

Start selling fast with the ability to find products using your favorite barcode scanner. From the sales screen you can add a product to a sale, search for the product or add it to your product list if the barcode is not known.

Service charges

If you charge a little extra for large groups or public holidays, you can now apply service charges to your sale. Set them up in the Back Office > Tools > Service Charges, then apply them in sales as you would a discount.

Fixes & improvements

  • Improved feedback message when a receipt can’t be printed
  • Fixed an issue with the layout of receipts printed by dot printers
  • Improved the QR code payment experience

Release 1.11


Preview Tebi Reservations

With waitlisting, prepayments, flexible capacity management, customer preferences and allergies shared straight to the POS and prep station, customer check-in from the Tebi App and plenty more - all within Tebi and at no additional cost. For now Tebi Reservations is being rolled out to selected merchants in an early-access program. At the moment there are limited spots available to join and help shape the product as an early user. Email our product team if you would like to get early access to Tebi Reservations.

Fixes & improvements

  • Improved the UI when deleting a title from the sale screen
  • Disabled the possibility of uploading an image on the terminal for the CFD feature
  • Added a tool to check the nature of your internet connection. Now available from Help & Support screen in the app
  • Improved the UI of the Activity screen

Release 1.10

New User Overview Report

The new User Overview Report shows your staff member activities, like the sales they have closed as well as the tips that have been collected. Head to Tools > Reporting in your Tebi back office.

Fixes & improvements

  • Renamed ‘QR Payments’ to ‘Online payment’ in Sale Details
  • The Tebi back office is now available in Dutch!
  • Performance and quality of life improvements

Release 1.9

two people holding a phone and a card

Tap to Pay on iPhone

With Tebi, you can now use your iPhone to accept payments. Link your iPhone with the Tebi app and run that busy event over the weekend without the cost of buying a new terminal. Tap to Pay on iPhone is the latest innovation on our integrated platform and the beginning of your Tebi experience on iOS. See the terms and conditions, and download the app baby visiting our website.

Brand your receipts

Reinforce your company’s identity by adding your brand logo to your business receipts. Your logo will be displayed on printed and digital receipts. Update your business logo in the Tebi app at Settings > Printing.

Fixes & improvements

  • Tebi enables you to report an issue with a sale. Select a closed sale and tap the 3-dot menu icon to Report an issue… with a simple tap. Once you flag the issue, our support team will provide swift assistance.
  • Minor improvements to the onboarding flow
  • Fixed an issue in which it was not possible to create discounts from the back office
  • Improved the information when you experience connectivity problems while accepting a payment
  • Fixed some UI bugs in the sales list
  • Fixed a bug in which paying the remain products after a partial payment would leave an open sale in the floor plan

Release 1.8


Account for your regulars

With customer accounts you can keep your regulars happy, your sales process cleaner and your books in order. Simply create accounts for your most trusted customers then charge sales to their accounts. Additionally, you can send email reminders to your customers to let them settle the bill on terms you have agreed to. How customer accounts can work for your business:

  • Keep a clean floor plan by registering your customers (regulars and businesses) in the customer directory
  • Account for the revenue of your customers’ sales the same day you make them
  • Improve your cashflow and automate reminders: email the sale receipt/invoice to your customer
  • Offers to your customers different ways to pay you in time: choose between a payment link, cash or card payment at location

Discover how the features works by creating Customers and charge sales to Customer accounts.

a screen showing the preparation steps

Preparation steps

There’s now a better way to keep track of what’s being prepared with preparation steps. Configurable steps let you tap through as a product is prepared and show anyone else watching the prep station where something is on the line. Enable preparation steps for your digital prep stations in the Tebi app at Settings > Prep Stations.

Fixes & improvements

  • In the sale screen, in the selection view you can now add and remove products
  • Improved the selection view so you know when operating payment on selected products or services
  • Improved the feedback page when a QR payment is successful

Release 1.7

a screen showing an order on a mobile phone

Introducing Ordering with pay after service

Cut through staff shortages and provide faster service with Ordering, now with the choice of payment before or after service. Select payment options that suit the terrace versus indoor tables meaning faster service for customers and more peace of mind for you.

With the new pay after service customers can now keep ordering on the same tab from the comfort of their table and pay in person with your staff when they are done. QR ordering feature comes with your Tebi POS, and it’s included in the pricing. No need to buy costly third-party apps and invest time in integrating them.

Set up and manage the new Ordering feature by going to your back office here and selecting Ordering from the menu.

a screen showing the settings section of the app

Manage terminals in-app

You can now show, hide and arrange the order in which terminals appear in the payment screen. Want to avoid taking payments in the terminal device charging below your counter? Skip the confusion and mark the back up terminal as not visible. Find this in the new Terminals section in Settings in the Tebi app.

a screen showing the app signin

Create users for your staff

Now anyone in your team can securely sign in to the Tebi app by scanning a QR code at the sign in screen on your Tebi device. It’s fully secure, safe and a great way to give staff flexibility when you aren’t around. To easily create user accounts for your staff and manage their permissions, discover more here.

Fixes & improvements

  • Cosmetic improvements to the day overview
  • Resolved an issue related to the display of sales after splitting and canceling a payment
  • Fixed an issue where cash drawers were not opening automatically
  • Fixed an issue with column headers when exporting data from back office reports
  • Fixed an issue causing reports to timeout when using longer timeframes
  • A number of performance and quality of life improvements

Release 1.6

a screen showing a close up of the app

Faster product editing

It is now easier and faster to keep your products and modifiers up to date. With this new version you can:

  • Make a copy of a product in the app and back office. In the product list in the Tebi app, tap the 3-dot menu and then ‘Make a copy’. From the back office, select the product you would like to make a copy of and proceed.
  • Apply modifier groups via tags. For example, as a cafe you can apply the modifier group ‘milk types’ to all your products with the tag ‘coffee’ rather than adding this one by one.
a screen showing app sales customisation

Images on sale tiles

Now, you can add images to tiles to see your products at a glance on the sales grid. Simply upload images to your products and the coloured background will change to your new image. You can even hide the product name for the ultimate clean look.

a screen showing a new toggle in the app

Receipts: cleaner and more powerful

You have more options to customize your receipt. We added:

  • Nobody likes to wait to pay a bill. Now you can print receipts for customers, drop them at their table and have them pay via QR code while you serve others. It cuts the customer’s wait time and saves you staff time!
  • You can now hide free products that you don’t want showing on receipts. Think chef’s comps, speed prompts to the kitchen or other non-chargeable items. For products with a price of 0, there’s now a toggle in the app to ‘Hide product on receipt’
an images with some bubble chats

Tebi news via WhatsApp

Sick of reading emails? Spend more time on WhatsApp? Receive this product digest in Tebi WhatsApp Community. Join here!

Fixes & improvements

  • Improved history view. You can have a chronological view of what happened to a sale by tapping on the 3-dot menu and then View history. Now you can see if products moved from and to another sale.
  • Performance improvements and bug fixes

Release 1.5

a screen showing a new sign in experience to Tebi

New way to sign in to Tebi

If you or your team don’t want to add personal accounts to your POS tablets you can now securely sign in to the Tebi app by scanning a QR code at the sign in screen on your Tebi device. To get started, set your staff up with Tebi user accounts. It’s fully secure, safe and a great way to give staff flexibility when you aren’t around. Discover more here.

Spreek je Nederlands? Tebi is now available in Dutch!

The Tebi app can now be used fully in Dutch. Just go to Settings > Language > Device settings to switch languages.

Fixes & improvements

  • Improved Day Overview: The card payment section, both in-app and back office, now show a breakdown of the card payments registered by Tebi and by the payment terminals to help identify potential card differences
  • Short on staff and want to speed up payments? Add a QR Payment code on your receipt and let your customers pay by themselves
  • You can now use discounts with QR payments
  • If you need help you can now go to Help & Support and message us directly from the app

Refer & earn up to €1000

Are you a business owner or a staff member? Earn up to €1000 per business you refer! Refer and earn.

Sick of reading emails? Spend more time on WhatsApp? We’re looking at creating a community in WhatsApp. Register your interest today in joining a Tebi WhatsApp Community.

Release 1.4

screenshot product order report

Online Ordering

Busy terrace or crazy queues? With Ordering your customers can scan, select and pay online in seconds. Whether ordering from the table or skipping the line, our new Ordering feature helps keep the sales flowing even when you are short of staff. Ordering is included free with your subscription and is now available for your business. Get started with Ordering today.

screenshot split merge

Improved Split & Merge

Going Dutch is even easier with the new split and merge. Simply select the products and pay straight from the sales screen, or send them across to another sale using the move arrow.

screenshot sales report

Sales and Product Order Reports

There are two new reports in your back office waiting for you. The Sales Report gives you customer, area, and all the other sales data you need to understand sales at your business. With details about what is ordered and when, the Product Order report is great for forecasting what you need to prepare or order.

Fixes & improvements

  • You can now choose to ‘export data’ from back office reports, removing headers and other extraneous formatting to make it easier to analyze data
  • Fixed a bug that was causing incorrect cash counting
  • The Tebi playground now has templates! Download the Tebi App from the Google Play Store and tap to ‘Try Tebi’ to familiarize with the app and its features for your cafe, restaurant, and shop!

Release 1.3

Payments report

The Payments report gives a list of all payments made across a date selection, including information about payment method, tips and receipts. This is the first in a series of new, simplified reports, designed to give you access to the data that underpins your business.

Inventory (beta version)

Stay on top of what’s in stock with our new inventory features. With simple-to-use inventory tracking, you can make sure you’ve always got the right number of products available for sale. Inventory is not yet publicly available but contact [email protected] if you would like to start using this pre-release feature.

QR ordering (beta version)

Busy terrace or crazy queues? With Tebi your customers can order and pay online. Whether ordering from the table or skipping the line, our new ordering feature allows your customers to scan a QR code, select what they want, order and pay effortlessly. Let us know at [email protected] if you would like to start using QR Ordering.

Fixes & improvements

  • Fixed the QR Payment success screen as it had copy about collecting their order
  • Fixed a bug where favourite users would not appear in access management check on some screens
  • Fixed an issue with double bookings in cash management on specific accounts
  • Changes to image display when uploading images on CFD
  • Reduced the chance of mis-tapping ‘Clear sale’ by adding spacing and moving its position in the list

Release 1.2


(Preview) Inventory

Coming this summer: Inventory!

We’re excited to announce that we are working on inventory features that will help you:

  • Reduce customer disappointment by keeping track of how many products you have available
  • Always know how much inventory you have on hand, how much is invested in it and how much you could sell it for
  • Accurately track the margins of your products with a full suite of purchase costing tools
  • Easily understand when and which products you need to restock
  • Improve your demand forecasting with sell-through rate reporting The first set of early-access inventory features focused on setting up and selling with inventory will be ready in the coming weeks. We’re eagerly looking for a number of businesses to try out these early features and give us feedback on what else is needed.

Fixes & improvements

  • Added the QR Code payments amount to the Day Overview & Day Report
  • Bug fixes and improvements on the card and cash difference in Day Overview & Day Report

Release 1.1


Customer-facing display (CFD)

There has been some incredible creativity across business using Tebi with custom terminal wallpapers based on seasons or even pop-up events. To make this even easier you can now upload wallpapers for your customer-facing devices from the Tebi app. To discover more about this feature, please visit the Tebi help center. We can’t wait to see how you’ll personalize your Tebi experience!

Preview QR code ordering & payment

Coming to your Tebi experience soon: QR code ordering. We’re excited to let you know that your customers will soon be able to order and pay via QR codes. With the cost of hiring and retaining staff growing and growing, QR code ordering helps you quickly take more sales, in less time and with fewer staff. Our soon-to-be-released fully integrated QR code ordering experience is simple to set up and even easier for your customers to use. They just scan a QR code, select what they want, order and pay effortlessly. All you need to do is bring them the order

QR code order & payment is part of your regular Tebi subscription, at no additional cost.

Fixes & improvements

  • Improved the No-Show experience for prepayments. You now have more flexibility to refund or charge customers if you have taken a prepayment and the customer does not arrive for their booking.
  • For those of you using permissions: a manager will need to provide their PIN to authorize the removal of submitted products. This is prompted when the staff member tries to submit the sale.
  • Added an additional type of terminal that you can order via the Tebi back office: Verifone P400.
  • You can now remove images of products directly from the app interface. Upload and remove an image by accessing the product details.
  • Removed the swipe to delete in the sale as it was too prone to accidental deletion.
  • Added extra flexibility when printing prep tickets. Now you have the option to print a single prep ticket for each product within an order.
  • Improved the area creation in the back office: the second area you create has the same size of the first one.

Release 1.0


Integrate with Eitje

Eitje is a workforce planning and management system. If you are a customer of Eitje, now you can enable the Tebi integration. Please follow these steps (Dutch) to enable the Eitje integration. Eitje will get the net revenue from your Tebi account, so you can easily see the percentage of staff cost to net revenue in Eitje.

Got thoughts on reports?

We want to hear from you We are looking into the reports in Tools to see what we can do better. To start, we want to know if there is additional data you want from Tebi or existing information in different formats. Whether it is sales, payments, products or something else, we want to make sure you have access to what matters for your business. Take this short survey and let us know.

Fixes & improvements

  • Added a way to increase text sizes on printed prep tickets. Go to Settings > Printing > Printer selection and adjust each prep station
  • Improved the layout of a printed receipt. It indicates the payment method now
  • Fixed a bug in which floor plan images would fail
  • Fixed a bug in Modifier Group where the app would crash
  • Added the app version number in the login screen