Bookkeeping export
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Bookkeeping export
Download the bookkeeping export to import Tebi’s financial data into your bookkeeping system. Mapped tax and account types will be included in the export. Learn about Bookkeeping export mapping in the section below.
The bookkeeping report includes the following data:
- Date
- Accounts
- Account Mapped
- Amount
- Tax Amount
- Tax Code
- Tax Code Mapped
- Tax Percentage
Bookkeeping export mapping
Enter the tax and account type numbers from your bookkeeping system to the Tebi ledger account and tax types. This will allow you to easily map Tebi’s financial data to your bookkeeping accounts.
The mapping numbers will be added to the bookkeeping export (see section above).
Manually enter the account codes, or make use of the Import and Export functionality.
Click Save for any changes made.
Note that the bookkeeping export is a generic export. You may need to adjust the format of the Bookkeeping export before importing this into your bookkeeping system.